We exist to generate more value
for public management

We exist to generate more value for public management


Create and develop new public management models that optimize the use of public resources to generate positive social and environmental impacts. Build and propose disruptive digital transformations for governments that allow them to deliver public services more efficiently. Guide the innovation of the public machine by simplifying and reducing the bureaucracy of the processes, using the best practices, incorporating technology and providing excellent consulting with a multidisciplinary team to guide governments to have the citizen as the central axis.

Our experience

In 2003 Florencia Ferrer decided to create FF e-Strategia Pública, guided by commitment and social responsibility. Based on her training and academic background, she pioneered the establishment of a strategic consultancy for the public sector.

The initial objectives of contributing with governments to improve the management of their resources, with the aim of expanding and optimizing the quality of their actions, remain to this day. For the excellence of the work and the use of its own methodologies, the company is recognized and awarded in Brazil and abroad.

The company has as a mission to develop innovative strategies for transformation for governments, for which it provides services, using best practices and / or creating new models that maximize and improve the use of public resources.

In addition, the consultancy offers the work of a multidisciplinary team, specialized in guiding managers to advance the management model. The existence of a subsidiary in Argentina favored the strengthening of the network of collaborating professionals, resulting in a group of highly trained professionals in the FF | e-Strategia Pública®.

Our relationship with international organizations

Both Dr. Florence Ferrer, as a researcher and individual consultant, such as FF | E-Strategia Pública® and the team that collaborates with the company, accumulate many experiences and collaborations with different international organizations.

In addition to the various projects sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank with which we were hired, FF | e-Strategia Pública maintains an active collaboration in various events and activities carried out by this organization.

We have consolidated a methodological review of the ONU’s report along with its responsible team, from the point of view of developing countries. Development, highlighting, in particular, the impact of regional specificities and the differences in the structure of the State.

Skills and knowledge

Our company accumulates a deep knowledge of public institutions at the federal and state levels of Brazil, their management systems and the public services they provide.

The technical and methodological domain accumulated in the experience developed by our team can be found in the set of executed projects and investigations carried out that make up the portfolio of the company. On the other hand, having participated in numerous technical missions to different OECD countries such as Spain, the United States, Canada or Chile, allow us to achieve a global knowledge of the best practices of other countries taking into account the institutional, legal and specific techniques of each country.

One of the most recent experiences of the team is related to the transfer of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the United Kingdom’s knowledge,  as part of a program called Spending Review.

This program aimed to structurally improve the quality of public spending. In order to put part of this experience at the disposal of horizontal cooperation, Prosperity Fund was created, which focuses on creating and establishing knowledge transfer mechanisms to other countries.

FF | e-Strategia Pública® was chosen to develop one of its cooperation lines aimed at improving the quality of public spending.

Our team

Florencia Ferrer, CEO

Sociologist from the University of Buenos Aires, Master, Doctor and PhD from the University of São Paulo. She has been working in a pioneering manner with innovation for public sector, helping the first step of Government of Latin America to rethink the State.

She has worked in various opportunities with presidents, ministers, governors and secretaries in the reformulation of Public policies from their planning to the monitoring of their results.

Juan Ferrer Meleiro

PhD candidate in Mathematics at the University of São Paulo, specializing in Logic and Category Theory. He has extensive experience in programming and software development.

Gustavo Magalhães de Oliveira

Visiting Scholar (post-doctoral) at the Center for Regulation and Democracy at Insper.

PhD in Administration from FEA/USP (Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting of the University of São Paulo, Brazil) in the concentration area of Economics of Organizations, with a period abroad at the Università degli Studi di Perugia (UNIPG), Italy. Master in Business Administration also from FEA/USP in the concentration area of Economics of Organizations.

Mario Roque Bonini

Mario Roque Bonini

Civil Engineer, graduated in 1974 from the School of Engineering of Rio de Janeiro - Gama Filho University; Post-graduation in Physical Oceanography from 1975 to August/1977 from the Department of Naval Engineering of COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Master in Economics in 1988 from the State University of Campinas – UNICAMP. Specialist in Public Finance and Economic Regulation of Public Services of Basic Sanitation and Distribution of Piped Gas.

Abel Omar Arenas

Lawyer and Consultant graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, with completed postgraduate studies (specializations) such as: Process Management, Tax Law, Public Management, Public Supply and Public Procurement with national standards and international systems; and Master's studies in Public Management. Experience in the Public Sector at all levels of government as Advisor to Boards and Boards of Directors, Head of Legal Counsel, Head of Administration and Finance, Head of Logistics, General Coordinator in charge, Vice-ministerial Office Adviser, Adviser of Executive Presidency, Adviser to Heads of Public Entities. Specialist in Public Procurement with national and international standards.

Luis Agusto Biazzi

Luis Agusto Biazzi

Master in Economics from Unicamp and Bachelor's from FEA-USP, has been working in socio-environmental consulting since 1996. A specialist in environmental licensing and socio-environmental planning, he has participated in projects for Strategic Environmental Assessment, Sustainable Regional Development Plans, and Hydroelectric Potential Assessment of Watersheds. He has conducted demographic and socioeconomic diagnostics, evaluating life indicators, infrastructure, and socio-environmental impacts, and proposing mitigation and compensation programs. He worked at Fundap from 1989 to 2001 as a senior technician in public policies, education, health, and the formation of regulatory agencies. He was an economics professor, teaching subjects such as macroeconomics and environmental economics.

Sandra Lascarro

Sandra Lascarro

Systems Engineer from the University of Los Andes with an MBA in International Business. With over 20 years of professional experience in Change Management, Technology Management, Project Management, and Sales and Distribution Channel Management. Certified in ISO 18091:2019 and currently studying FIDEGOC. She has pursued studies in Agile methodology, negotiation, and entrepreneurship at the Universities of Colorado, Michigan, and Maryland. She has excelled in various fields, working at renowned companies such as Microsoft, Compaq, and Advantis. Sandra has significantly contributed to innovation and social impact in various projects in Latin America and is currently working at E-strategia Pública.

Anderson Falcão

Anderson Falcão

Es una consultoría creativa basada en el diseño sistémico con enfoque en el posicionamiento de marca, la experiencia y las relaciones. Durante 18 años hemos colaborado y co-creado proyectos para promover el desarrollo relevante a través de la creatividad y el diseño con impactos positivos en la sociedad y las personas. Sumamos nuestra experiencia para actuar en proyectos de desarrollo económico local, combatiendo la pobreza y la diversificación productiva.





FIDEGOC, the Trustworthy Governments Foundation, is pleased to announce a strategic alliance with E-Strategia Pública do Brasil. This agreement aims to strengthen transparency, efficiency and trust in government institutions through the implementation of advanced technologies and innovative governance strategies.

The collaboration between FIDEGOC and E-Strategia Pública do Brasil seeks to promote open government practices, improve citizen participation and ensure accountability in the public sector. Both organizations will share knowledge, resources and experience to develop joint projects that benefit local and national communities.

“This alliance allows us to give more tools to governments in Latin America by joining forces with E-Strategia Pública do Brasil,” said Carlos Gadsden, PhD, President of FIDEGOC. “This partnership represents a significant step towards creating more trustworthy and efficient governments, where technology and innovation play a crucial role in transforming public institutions.” For her part, PhD Florencia Ferrer commented: “The collaboration with FIDEGOC will allow us to expand our reach and deepen our impact in the region. Together, we will work to strengthen citizens’ trust in their governments and promote sustainable development based on principles of transparency and good governance.” The first joint project will focus on implementing digital platforms for the management of open data and promoting citizen participation in decision-making processes. This initiative will mark the beginning of a series of programs and activities that seek to improve the quality of public services and foster a culture of transparency throughout the region.


FOM - Fundación Ortega y Marañon

We have established an alliance with a renowned institution, the José Ortega y Gasset-Gregorio Marañón Foundation of Spain, to participate in technical assistance and institutional strengthening initiatives. The Foundation is a non-profit institution based in the city of Madrid, inspired by the liberal spirit and intellectual legacy of its founders - the philosopher José Ortega y Gasset and the doctor Gregorio Marañón y Posadillo - as well as by the relevance that these distinguished personalities had for the society of their time. The Ortega-Marañón Foundation is the result of the merger in 2010 of the José Ortega y Gasset and Gregorio Marañón foundations (established in 1978 and 1988, respectively).

Its work is aimed at promoting culture, training, research, as well as creating a space for plural and independent thought within the fields of social sciences, humanities and health sciences. The Ortega-Marañón University Research Institute (IUIOM) is located within the Foundation. It is a postgraduate centre affiliated with the Complutense University of Madrid, where doctorates, official subjects and executive programmes in the field of social sciences are taught. The IUIOM is a reference centre with a special vocation towards Latin America, and its programmes are at the top of the most recognised rankings of postgraduate studies in Spain.

In all our technical assistance and consultancy projects, our actions are oriented towards the training of public servants and the development of institutional capacities, as part of a process of generating and exchanging knowledge and promoting innovation in public organisations. Having the invaluable support of the Ortega-Marañón Foundation makes our work acquire greater depth and academic rigour.


Recognition of our work

Successful enterprising

Category opportunity

Information and Government Technology, 2009

Category of electronic democracy. Project of public procurement policy of the Government of Acre

Maximum business excellence, 2008

FF | e-Strategia Pública® Consulting in Public Policies

B2B quality standard,

Best e-Gov Consulting - LIG Minas Proyect

CONIP Award for Excellence in computing applied to public services, 2005

Economic Clock Project

TI & Government,

e-Democracy - Economic Clock Project


Where the public strategy works to make a difference


Orientation for innovation. Disruptive institutional models and new technologies: Blockchain, Big Data, IoT.

The modernization of the state is no longer enough. It is necessary to rethink the state and place it at the height of the demands of the SXXI citizen. New institutional, unburvocratized, simple and effective models need to be implemented.


In the search for higher levels of economic efficiency and equity, we work with governments to create tools that help make the best management decisions.
FF | e-Strategia Pública seeks through these tools to produce and enable a greater return for both the State and for society. Some of the actions and tools we have developed in this area are:

We are an operated and family-owned business.


Our work premise in this area is to help public managers to achieve, in each area of public policies, an increase in the capacity of the State to achieve more with less.

We are an operated and family-owned business.

In order to achieve more efficient results in the actions undertaken with the aim of improving the lives of citizens, strategies are developed to achieve these objectives, such as those that aim to improve the quality of public spending, particularly in the areas of purchases and human resources, where a large part of public waste occurs. The following actions fall within this area:

  • Long and medium-term government strategic planning.

  • Implementation of the results management model.

  • Modernization of management.

  • Planning and change management.

  • Support for the formulation of policies based on evidence, impact assessments and case development.

  • Improvement of the quality of Public Spending: purchases and staff.

  • Implementation of a Shared Service Center.

  • Implementation of a high productivity environment.

  • Port strategic planning.

  • Strategic Planning of the Public Heritage Management Policy


To promote the increase in the productivity of the State and the reduction of its costs in the processes, the electronic government qualitatively improves the provision of services to the citizen.

To achieve success in the implementation of these measures, structural changes that go beyond the application of new information technologies and communication to obsolete and deficient processes, and to adjust the relationship of the Government with citizens to their expectations are currently required.

The following are some of the actions we developed in this area:


We were the first company in Brazil to have as a mission to support and build reinvention of public policies. Modernization is past for us, and we have commitment to build a better future and a just world.

That is why we could not stop being the first consulting company in Brazil to be a pioneer in this new wave of innovation.

Proudly we tell you: we are Lacchain’s Wiiter Node, the Blockchain that comes to revolutionize the public sector in Latin America.

It is a Blockchain sponsored by the IDB, free for public sector, non-profit, and without cryptomones. There is no reason not to adhere.


The suitability and credibility that FF | e-Strategia Pública® Enjoy with their clients with their customers can also be attributed to what we DON'T DO :


traffic with influencies


create nor offer magical solutions.


represent technology companies.


provide information about customers, we work with absolute confidentiality.


have an exclusive contract with partners.


traffic with influencies


create nor offer magical solutions.


represent technology companies.


provide information about customers, we work with absolute confidentiality.


have an exclusive contract with partners