
We were the first company in Brazil to work with innovation in public policies


We present five exceptional services that solve current challenges. Our idea with these services is that they benefit the population through structural changes in bodies across the three sectors and contribute to a fairer and more balanced society.







We evaluate public policies using our proprietary BINPS® methodology, measuring economic and social outcomes. We improve resource allocation and report accurate costs per activity. We develop metrics and indices to coordinate the achievement of policy objectives. We make it easy to identify areas for improvement and use innovative solutions for system implementation.

BINPS® benefits in public investments

Public Procurement



IA E-GOV rate of
adherence to Electronic Government

Methodology of guidelines to improve the quality of public spending

Indicators of the use of
the state's purchasing
power to SMEs

Measurement of
maturity of
Citizen Services

BINPS® benefits in public investments

Methodology developed during Florencia Ferrer's post-doctorate at the University of San Pablo, which measures and calculates the savings caused by innovation in public policies (incorporating IT and / or debureaucratization strategies). It has been recognized as a best practice by international organizations and various governments.

Public Procurement Maturity

This index was developed with the objective of diagnosing the main aspects of public procurement and strategic supply management of the Brazilian states. The following groups were studied: purchases, contracts, agreements, assets, fleets and potential for cooperation.

Savings Calculator

Website that publishes the result of the BINPS® Methodology. The difference between the processes is the index that moves the calculator that, in turn, reports how much the State and the citizen save thanks to the use of new processes.

Maturity measurement

Evaluation methodology of electronic services applied to subnational governments. It provides a valid frame of reference to evaluate the achievement of objectives of the implementation of electronic government services. It is used as a basis for the development of migration strategies for services aimed at raising the level of the quality of public spending, the effectiveness and efficiency of its delivery.

IA E-GOV rate of adherence to Electronic Government

This index was developed in a study for the Controladoria Geral da União (CGU) of Brazil sponsored by the British government. The work starts from the thesis that the higher the level of development of the e-Gov, the lower the chances of corruption are. The IA e-Gov demonstrates the degree of efficiency and modernization of any process inherent to public management. We start from the reasoning that the greater the number of unnecessary activities that do not add value and that are carried out manually are, the greater the possibility of committing errors, deviations and corrupt practices is. The AI e-Gov positively explores this concept: a clear and objective analysis of the processes through a measurement based on e-government stages.

Methodology of guidelines to improve the quality of public spending

After identifying and classifying the main families of spending products and services in the public sector, we developed a methodology that allows us to diagnose the sources of waste of resources and guide the main actions for their resolution. The main fronts studied are: supplies, IT, General Services, Public Utility (water and sewers, electricity), Transportation, Food, Health and Telephony.

Indicators of the use of the state's purchasing
power to SMEs

This set of indicators, which results in an index, focuses on identifying the real situation regarding the application of Law 123/06 in the Brazilian states, and takes into account whether the regulated actions are effectively working. In addition to measuring, this index points to the main causes of problems, helping to build strategies for overcoming them.

Measurement of maturity of Citizen Services

The objective is to measure the level in which a certain state is in relation to the attention to the citizen, starting from the traditional attention towards a citizen-centric-oriented model, with face-to-face and / or virtual integration of services. For this we consider the following aspects: Technological (technological platform, required infrastructure); Organizational (organizational format, BackOffice structure, employment regimes, implementation of administrative simplification processes); Service quality management (service letters, quality and performance indicators, service quality commitments, satisfaction surveys, incentive policies); Operating costs, business model and sustainability; Legal and regulatory framework for operation.


The government is planning for the long term and medium term to ensure that its activities are aligned with broader objectives. The service is based on a Results-Based Management Model and connects the government with innovation in management. Additionally, we help governments improve public management, especially in important areas. A Centralized Shared Services Center was created, together with a High Productivity Environment to facilitate this process. These initiatives reflect the government’s commitment to effective, efficient and innovative public management.

Improving the
quality of
public spending


Debureaucratization and simplification of public procurement

Analysis of programs financed by the IDB and World Bank

Improving the quality of public spending

Improving the quality of public expenditure and its management is a topic that is being addressed by different governments around the world, especially with regard to direct non-salary expenditure, financing and investments. Much of the waste of resources occurs due to the excessive decentralization of public purchases, which prevents effective control of one of the biggest problems: the dimension of demand.

Governments are taking action in this direction, seeking greater efficiency in spending. The implementation of a Purchasing Center is a widely used measure, centralizing transversal purchasing and bidding for products and services, including works and engineering. However, the process must always be associated with decentralization in local purchasing, which promotes local development. The implementation of a Purchasing Center is a necessary, but not sufficient, measure and must cover the entire purchasing cycle, from demand analysis to inventory management, aiming for rationalization, standardization, increased quality and elimination of waste.

Shared Services Center

All product and service families can be migrated to a Shared Services Center (CSC). Each product or service family has a specific technical complexity, some require investment to be migrated, although the return on investment occurs quickly due to the benefits obtained.

Debureaucratization and simplification of public procurement

Debureaucratization, simplification and increasing the digital maturity of the public procurement process is a priority. Purchasing efficiently depends not only on the presence of digital systems, but also on approaches to simplify, reduce bureaucracy and eliminate obsolete processes throughout the complexity of public procurement.

Following this global trend, we recommend that governments rethink their vision of public procurement, understanding that efficiency is not only in the legal control of the process, but in the application of intelligence and management. It is equally or more important to know whether the purchase is really necessary, whether the quantity required is justified and whether the item itself is necessary, in addition to ensuring that the process fits within established legal procedures.

Analysis of programs financed by the IDB and World Bank

In the context of evaluating a Program, it is common to analyze its impacts using the synthetic control methodology or synthetic cohorts, developed by Abadie and Gardeazabal (2003). This methodology has already been used in evaluations of several Programs financed by the IDB. It consists of defining a comparison group for each group of benefiting municipalities, made up of a weighted average of the other municipalities in the same state, so that it presents similar behavior to that observed in the treatment group before the intervention. The identification strategy is based on the assumption that, in the absence of the Project, the behavior of both groups would continue to be the same, allowing any differences observed after the intervention to be attributed to it.


We were pioneers in working with the development of e-government strategies, back in the last century. The e in e-Strategia Publica refers to the imperative need to work with technology. There is no way to manage without innovating and making the reality of governments more digital every day.

We develop methodologies and political-technological guidelines to increase digital maturity, multichannel communication strategy and delivery of services to citizens. Today we work with the most innovative, the use of blockchain for the public sector (link to the other part of the website)

In our view, innovation starts by simplifying, reducing bureaucracy and then incorporating technology. Therefore, in several of the projects we have helped to reduce the size of the middle areas of the State, to allow us to focus on the final areas.


We were pioneers in building network government strategies, that is, showing the State that it needs to navigate, guide, and not necessarily row. Empowering civil society, citizens and companies to co-build public policies is becoming more central every day.

In this sense, we have developed several projects helping to rethink the origin, execution and monitoring of public policies. We build strategies for Public-Private Alliances, we participate in and prepare Valuations for public companies to guide privatizations, we develop Urban Linving Labs and other forms of co-construction of public policies, etc.


Technical cooperation increasingly assumes an increasingly important role in government innovation and in the definition of proposals and policies that promote the development of countries through the absorption (received cooperation) and transfer (provided cooperation) of knowledge and technology. On the other hand, in a context of scarce resources and the search for excellence, consistency between investment, innovation and results is of fundamental importance in the design and implementation of public policies.

Faced with this situation, we have implemented Government Cooperation Centers –CCG- as a network of actors with different skills with the same objective of sharing and offering innovative products and services for the public sector based on best practices extracted from experiences in the sector and supported by technical cooperation agreement between Governments.


The scarcest resource in the public sector is “time”, considering the countdown that involves the exercise of a plebiscite mandate at each election. When we turn to cooperation, we are learning from past mistakes, replicating successes and helping to drastically reduce innovation implementation or project time, in addition to the economies of scale that occur when two governments work together on a process improvement or innovation. When we use cooperation we are learning from past mistakes, replicating successes and helping to enormously reduce the implementation time of the innovation in question, not to mention the economies of scale that occur when governments work together.

Cooperation also allows each of the actors involved to share their experiences in a given segment and strengthen their own capabilities through collaboration. The experience of Public e-Strategy in several countries, 17 in Latin America, 25 states in Brazil, in addition to projects in the USA, Canada, South Korea, Spain, Angola, among others, with different cultures, allows us to design an integration matrix of these experiences that materialize in this proposal from the Government Cooperation Center.